Arrived in Arco, ID late saturday night after a 13 hour drive with John Taylor. Spent Sunday getting our gear organized and generally getting ourselves ready for 6 days of big air. There is a big crowd of friends at this years comp. The Bubbleheads are here in force and we total 10-12 strong from the Bay Area alone.
Team ACP (me, CRV, JT, Ryan and Trey) are ready to dominate. "Putting the 'I' back in team"
I've been pretty anxious about this meet, due to a lack of airtime recently. I was unsure if I would fly. But I went up the hill, setup my glider, and when my team started lining up to launch I suited up and joined them. There was strong lift and strong sink. I worked what I could, keeping myself far from the terrain and generally trying to re-acclimate myself to my glider.
Before long I found myself drifting towards the bail out LZ. I brought it in for a nice landing and was joined by Chris. Not a big flight, but I got what I wanted out of the day. Ready for the next 5 days!
Slayin' The Bailout LZ