Last weekend we went back to Yosemite. The falls were still huge, but this time the LZ was not under 3’ of water.
I was the monitor this weekend it was my first time actually monitoring here. Chris gave me a refresher on all the monitoring con-ops and I was good to go. We had 6 pilots (Wayne, Bruce, Steve, Chris, Joe, and me). It was a great group. I’m good friends with all these guys and it was a lot of fun flying spending time together.
Yosemite is always such a treat and I always feel so privaledged to be able to fly there. No other aircraft (except for emergency vehicles) are allowed to fly within the valley.
The flights were brief, as always, but they keep you satisfied all day long. Day 1 I flew my blade wing and took advantage of it to get over the Yosemite Falls nice and high. I was able to circle around close to the water and get some nice shots. A few people were standing on a lookout point about half way up the falls trail and I took the opportunity to buzz them close and fast. Because really, flying is just so much better when you know people are watching…
The LZ still had a few water obstacles, but it was mostly dry. Everyone landed safely and everyone left with a smile.
We fly early. The park is quiet and empty when we are in the air. Soon after we land it starts filling up and by 11am it is crazy. I was feeling a bit crowded so I hiked off trail a short distance up a small creek. About 100 yards from the trail I could no longer see or hear the crowds. I chilled some beers in the creek, put my feet in the water and spent the afternoon reading a book and staring at the cliffs thousands of feet above me.
Day 2 was just as good. I love flying here.
Till next time!