Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How To Speedglide ACP Style

...In 5 simple steps

1-Make sure you are color coordinated
2-Launch in slightly downwind conditions towards a barbed wire fence
3-Attemp an intimidating battle cry, but have it come out more like a whimper
4-Be too light on your glider and cross the finish line at 200'
5-Tell everyone how much you dominated


C R Valley said...

True ACP SG technique exhibited with that run, Brother...good job! You can see me dominating the camera in the LZ at about 2:26 or so...I was looking pretty good.

treykropp said...

Wow that crowd was tough. I didn't even hear a hoot. They must have been pissed about how well you dominated the scene. We need to get some ACP cheedleaders that follow us to various LZ's to make us look that much better. John T will make some ACP embroidered short shorts for them to wear. BANG!

Brian Foster said...

I thought John T WAS our ACP cheerleader...