Sunday, September 20, 2009

Santa Cruz Flats - Day 1

Hot. Stinking hot.

30 something pilots at this meet, and we eagerly set up in the hot dusty desert. We've only got three tugs, so it takes a while to get everyone up in the air. Launch window opened at 12pm with the race start at 1:30. There is a 5k start cylinder, so you want to have enough time to launch, climb, and get in a good position just at the edge of the cylinder when the race starts.

I got in line late and when I finally got up to altitude found myself a couple miles behind the main pack. Lift was spread out and it was hard to make progress on my own without other gliders to help search for good climbs. I worked my way to the first turnpoint and circled low in zero sink with several other gliders. They were about a quarter mile away from me when I saw two nice looking dust devils right on the course line. I pulled the VG tight and dove to them at 60mph.

What happend to those dust devil? Hell if I know. My sure ticket up turned into a sure ticket down as I blasted over the dusty to find absolutely nothing. I searched for the core for about a minute and then had to land.

About 8 pilots made goal

I'll call this a good learning day. Tomorrow I need to get in a better position before the start.

It's lonely in the desert...

Total Flight Time: 1:30

Total Distance: 20 miles

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